We exist to know God and make Him known to the Nations by bringing them in (outreach), raising them up (in-reach), and sending them out (world-reach).

Men's Ministry


At New Testament Worship Center we strive to build Men of Integrity. Our men meet every Monday evening to pray and fellowship in a Spirit-filled atmosphere. We invite you to come worship with Men of Integrity and make a joyful noise unto the Lord.

The Men of Integrity meet every other Monday night at 6:30 pm for men’s prayer meeting.


Visitation Team

Exists to visit those who are sick and/or hospitalized. This team makes weekly visits to offer encouragement through the sharing of the Word of God and prayer.

Daughters of Destiny (DOD)


Geared toward women of all ages, married or single. It’s a bond of women coming together for a time of worship, fun, and fellowship. We have various meetings and get-togethers throughout the year, as well as an annual weekend retreat. Women learn to pray together, play together, and create bonds that impact the heavenlies as they also learn to war together.

Women Without Partners (WWP)

Geared toward women who are single, divorced, or widowed. These women bond together in fellowship and knit their hearts together for closer relationships with the Lord and with each other.

Security Team

Members who monitor the church campus for any unsafe situations and/or conditions. These spiritual men are always willing to assist visitors and members if such situations occur and appropriately act on any concerns.

Couples Ministries

Couples Ministries


the M Group represents the stage of life the couples are in…  Married – Mature – Midlife.


Leading couples toward Jesus Christ and enriching marriages which glorify God and create marriages, families, and children that THRIVE.

Youth Ministries

Kid's CLUB (Christ Loves U Best)


Meets every Wednesday night in an atmosphere that is thick with FUN. The Club allows every child a chance to express themselves as they learn about Jesus through Bible teachings, making crafts, dressing up as Bible characters, movies, and a host of other fun activities.

Rising Warriors

Geared toward children ages 3-12. This group of children meets every Sunday morning to learn about the Lord through a time of praise and worship, Bible teachings, activities, and crafts in a manner that reaches children on their level.

The Nursery

A place where mothers can take their toddlers ages 9 months-2 years to play, be loud, and learn about God.

Transformation YM

A group of teenagers whose focus is all about the things of God. To reach this generation for Christ and to relentlessly pursue the purpose and destiny God has in store for us. Our mission is to faithfully follow Christ taking as many teenagers as possible along with us.

Worship Ministry

Flag Ministry

Nissi Ministries

A flag ministry which serves as a visual demonstration of worship, warfare, praise, celebration, dedication, prophetic proclamation, and so much more. “Nissi” simply means “banner.” As the flags are waved, God’s “banner” is lifted up.

Worship Ministry

Worship Team

The Praise & Worship Team exists to bring people into the presence of God with powerful praise and worship.


A dance ministry comprised of teens and young adults who express their gifts and talents through the art and demonstration of dance.


Sound Team

Supports the worship of Christ in our services. It endeavors to provide the best possible audio technical support to achieve attentiveness, clarity, and responsiveness to the singing, teaching and preaching of the Word of God.

Computer Team

Serves in a visual capacity, projecting the songs, scriptures, and videos on the screen for the congregation to see.

Camera Team

Serves in a visual capacity, records services, and switches between camera angles to provide recordings for our livestream on the Website and Facebook